and some of her friends in a card game and has to wear it for several more hours. He is even wearing makeup and has barrets in his hair.
Should I try and stop this? Will this damage him at all?
I came home and found my son in his older sisters ballet tutu outfit (see pic). He apparently lost to her?secure browser
No they are just having fun! Enjoy it that they are getting along! Check out the website for more information that maybe will help you understand their play better.
I came home and found my son in his older sisters ballet tutu outfit (see pic). He apparently lost to her?home theater opera theater
They are just having fun mom:)
Nah its just a bet.
lol, no it all apart of growing up and knowing when to play and when to fold
no you should continue to be a bad mother and paste this stuff on YAHOO.
how old is he?
i dont think it will do anything to him.
he just lost..
if hes like 4... then yah, stop it. :)
No... harmless fun between kids. It'll teach him to live up to his word, and he's probably having fun with it besides.
Whew... i thought you had posted a pic of him in it and was about to be livid though LOL!
lmao! stop it ofcourse. it doesnt matter how old is he.
My brother lost a bet to me when I was 14 and had to wear my bra for a pic. Don't think I didn't torment him with it!! (He's 3 years older than me.)
It's just a game.
Make your son understand that it was a joke and not to take it seriously. Otherwise, he could remain angry at her. Ask your daughter(s) to be a little more nice to him.
Worry the next time you see him dressed this way.
Love and blessings Don
the picture looks like a girl....
Hmm. I don't think it will damage him. Like Alison S said, they're probably just having fun. Unless he's crying or seriously upset over this, I wouldn't do anything. Ask him and them. I know this sounds heartless, but if he agreed to the bet, he knew the risks. If you really feel bad about it though, or he does, stop it. Good luck!
How old is this child? Was he having fun with it, or was he humiliated and ashamed? Those are some things I would take into consideration when deciding what to do, if anything, about the situation.
He may as well get used to it... He will have to do it when he pledges for a frat in college anyway :)
It will not damage him at all. The truth is, it will be more damaging to him if you act like there is something wrong with it. Look at it like this: He made a bet, he lost the bet, and he did the honorable thing and honored the bet. Sounds like a good kid and a perfectly normal Big Sister/Little Brother relationship to me...
I think you posted the wrong pic.Not your son.But I wouldn't worry about the bet.At least he is paying up.
No that wont damage him. Its just a fun playful bet between siblings that is funny. Its not going to devestate him and or make him a crossdresser or anything. If anything it will make for some good laughs and pictures to talk about someday. Dont worry it sounds all in good fun.
Of course! I would of stoped it right away!
i dont think it are kids and siblings do horrible things to each other but this does not compare to how bad it could be...its all in good fun..i think.
Think positive and be happy in life, its fun to do nice things.
All the best.
to the question of will that damage him. If it would, the damage is probably already done. u took a pic and posted it online. yeah.......just prey pedo's dont get a hold of it. though, i doubt they use yahoo. also, i think my response is too late. did u stop it or let it go on? another thing, is this for real? u actually went to yahoo answers with this?? wow...
It only causes damage if you make him feel ashamed about doing it. Lighten up. It was a bet and he lost.
If anyone else saw him like that, yes it will damage his manly reputation. Ye you should stop it. You're an adult, you have th power to save him from more humiliation.
Who ever stuck him in thatand made him wear barrets and make-up is either "morally abstract", bent on revenge, always wanted to see him in that, or just plain diabolical.
No offense.
I hope that he learns an important lesson from this about whom to bet, and whom not to. He will most likely never live it down as this will be remembered for many years to come. Over all, I hope he is a good sport with it, and holds no grudges, after all, he did agree to the the terms of the wager, and lost at something he entered into without enough though about it. Let the kids have their fun, it may well be the best thing he has ever had happen to him.
I would think the most damage would be posting the picyures if his friends find out and copy them. Losing a bet and being humilated bu a sibling is rather common in families-having four brothers and a sister we often won and lost bets, games and cards and the punishment was whatever the winner deicided. My sister once hate to sit in a tree and whistle at evry boy that walked past for a couple of hours and so on. Most are harmless and do not have any long term effects but I really would not post the picture as evidence that happened because if a copy gets made it could be very embarrassing to him in the future.
you never said how old your son was, but i think it was just siblings having fun. i wouldnt worry.
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