Hmm, I would say she doesn't need to quit on a whim, as in coming home one day and proclaiming she's never going back. But, discuss it, try to find out why she wants to quit now. Maybe there's something else she wants to try, or maybe she had a fight w/ a friend in the class, and now doesn't want to be around her....etc.
I don't think we should make our kids do what WE think they should be doing, but we also don't want to teach them to give up when something gets hard.
8 year old daughter doesn't want to go to the ballet classes after 3 years of practicing should I accept?opera mini
Yes. If she's been doing it that long and doesn't like it, don't push her.
I remember being forced to do piano lessons for 2 years and I hated every single minute of it. Don't force her. Neither of you will regret it.
8 year old daughter doesn't want to go to the ballet classes after 3 years of practicing should I accept?passions soap opera opera theater
Yes, let her take a break and then maybe in the spring encourage her to try it again. I wouldn't force her to do it, it is supposed to be fun, but I would encourage it. Maybe she wants to try something else, like gymnastics, cheerleading, or softball?
There is probably something going on at ballet class that she's not openly talking about. Before you allow her to just stop going, ask her if someone is making her feel bad in class, or if she is feeling self-concious about her body. Most likely she doesn't just want to quit, she's having some sort of emotional issue with the class.
If she doesn't open up about anything, offer for her to goto another studio. If your efforts produce nothing, and she just doesn't like it, ask her if there is something else she'd rather do. Maybe she just wants to play soccer, or ice skate, or do karate. At 8 they are capable of deciding what sport they want or don't want, she'll love you for giving her the choice and trusting her as an equal.
Good Luck.
Yes, you should not force a 8 year old to do something she does not want to do. Give her a break, and see if there's any other hobbies that she would like to do like art, horseback riding, or something that can be educational and fun.
She's old enough to know what her interests are and you should be encouraging her to find something that interests her and motivate her to do the best of her ability in whatever she wants to do. Maybe experiment with different types of dances if she wants to stay in dance.
yes, don't force her to do an activity she doesn't like anymore, that will only make her hate it even more. Ask what she wants to do, and support her.
Accept it 3 yrs is a long time for her to determine if she likes something or not. If you FORCE her to go she's going for you not because she likes it. Let her find something she enjoys doing regardless of if its basketball , piano or dance and give her the chance to try it out
You should do whats best for your daughter, if she doesn't like ballet, then don't force her. 3 years of practice is not a waste. She can use her ballet skills in other dances or activities. Find out what her passion is and help your daughter to follow her dream. She is young and she can achieve anything she wants if you stay behind her.
Well, My mom put me into piano lessons. I got a little excited when I went to the store and saw some fun songs, that you usually can't play for years later. I did piano for years and hated it. It was something my mom wanted me to do. She always said you have to work at your talents and you will regret quitting. I have never once regret finally convincing my mom to let me quit. It wasn't something I enjoyed, I dreaded it and hated practicing. I would say maybe complete the semester, because sometimes teammates (or classmates in the dance) are counting on you to do your part, and then quit at the end if you really didn't enjoy it. It is your discretion on keeping her in for the rest of the year or pulling her now, maybe suggest other types of dance or gymnastics.
I've always made it clear to my kids that after school activities are totally optional. There are some things that they have no choice about but, as far as I'm concerned when it's something that's supposed to be fun and it's not fun then the kid should be able to say they don't want to do it. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by your daughter having been "practicing" for 3 years -- has she done more than just go to the classes? Has she actually had to practice outside of class? My daughter started dance when she was 5 and she's now 18 and still going strong. She does it purely for fun and has a good time but has never practiced outside of class. She has no intentions of taking dance for any other reason besides fun and that's perfectly fine with me. If you assumed that your daughter was going to practice and become a dancer, you may have been pressuring her. Why not just let her enjoy it and take it for what it's intended to be -- rather than make it into something she has to practice and get good at? I'm not advocating letting a kid constantly try activities and quitting them all quickly but, I am saying it should all just be for fun and nothing else. If the kid LOVES it and wants to persue it seriously, you certainly won't end up needing to get them to want to practice. Let it go and let her get interested in something else that she finds enjoyable.
Yes. Mine stopped two years ago. She is now 8 and I was ok with it. If the fun stops for her, then, it should be a "wake up call" for you. When school, homework, puts pressure on her, than it is probably too much to handle. Just tell her, it will be okay. Good luck!
By all means, yes. All she'll get out of it is resentment toward you if you force her to continue against her will. Let her be a kid and have some fun! Encourage her to try different activities and develop new interests.
most definately. If she doesnt like it, why make her go. Isnt it supposed to be for her enjoyment? let her choose another hobby to do.
Absolutely. She's definitely given it a try; it's not for her. I think extracurricular activities, especially athletic ones are great for kids - hopefully you can both find one she'll have more interest in, and she can switch to that.
Not every girl wants to be a ballerina. I never did.
if she's tired of it don't push her. 3 yrs is good. i took piano about that long and it was enough for me. it just wasn't my thing. maybe this isn't her thing. if so, let her pick it up again in her own time. if not, encourage her to find something else that interests her. but i would encourage her to do some extra activity, whether it be a sport, music, art, something... good luck.
Basically, yes. Children try all sorts of activities, sporting and other, and most will be dropped at some point. I can understand you are disappointed if she has been going for 3 years, I felt a similar disappointment when my son stopped karate, one belt before the black belt! I tried to get him to continue, but his heart wasn't in it anymore, and he wouldn't have got that belt with out 100% commitment. If you really want her to continue, take her to see a famous ballet - maybe that will inspire her! Failing that, she may be keen to take it up again if she is allowed to have a break from it.
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o yea hun!
i say dont push her do do anything she doesnt want to! when she gets older u dont want her to blame u for not being able to do anything she really wants to! my father did that to me and he regrets it now! u dont want to be my father later on!
trust me!!!!
let her enjoy her childhood!
goodluck to u both!
Yes. Maybe she wants to be in something else. I'd ask her if she wants to be in dance, or something else, like a different dance class apart from ballet.
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