Saturday, December 5, 2009

I'm 17 and well its been my dream to do Ballet. Is it a lost cause for me since I'm so old

I'm also thick.

I'm 5'7 and weigh 160.

I'm 17 and well its been my dream to do Ballet. Is it a lost cause for me since I'm so old or can I go for it?ms stress

you can definitely start taking ballet classes at 17! the big question is -- do you want to do it for enjoyment or to become a professional?

if it's just for fun, then check out broadway dance center on 57th street in manhattan. they have beginner ballet classes and enough teachers that you can decide which class you like best. there are tons of dance schools in ny -- the yellow pages is a great place to start and then look each school up on the internet. classes range in price from $18 - $20 for a 1 1/2 hour lesson.

if you plan to become a professional, you need to get into a full fledge dance school. if you've had at least 3 years of training, you should audition at alvin ailey for their semester long dance program. if you get accepted, you'll be required to take 3 classes a day, 5 days a week and yes, you get graded. best thing is that you'll get training from some of the top teachers in the industry for a very low price. they'll hold auditions for their summer program sometime in the spring.

start now!! it's really important that you take 1 to 2 classes a day if you want to be a professional. after 1 year of intensive dance training and classes, start taking classes on pointe.

you're height is perfect and your weight will drop off quickly! if you want anymore advice, write me at my email address at fairydancer2003@yahoo

i've been dancing for awhile and started late myself. if you're really committed, you could be dancing professionally in 3-5 years.

good luck!

I'm 17 and well its been my dream to do Ballet. Is it a lost cause for me since I'm so old or can I go for it?home theater system opera theater

if you want to do it then go for it. you will be critized for it thou... ha i think my aunt started when she was like 40 or 50 years old... plus it will get you in shape!! good luck and have fun!
go for it girl

you are never to old to do what you want and it doesn't even matter if you are good at it or not as long as you enjoy doing it
i think you should go for it i herd its a good workout

if you wanna lol

it will help you get in shape too.
It's never to late!

If you have passion and desire then you go girl!!

Don't ever let anyone tell you No!
you shoud go for it.follow your dreams and who knows maybe you can go pro? and by the way your old when your like 90 trust me i know old.go for it i used to dance but it wasn't my thing maybe it's yours.go for it trust me you'll like it :)
you are not too old. They should have classes in your area, google it. Also you will loose weight once you start getting into it ^_^ good luck
Girl you go for it!! But take it slow since you are a beginner. Work your way up. It's very hard but if it's something you are passionate about, well then nothing can stop you.
i don't think it matters ifyou're "thick" or whatever. if you havea dream go for it thats what i am told all the time. if you don't try ballet then you might end up regretting it later on in life. so if i were you i would go for it, your age shouldn't hold you back and besides you're only 17! you'restill young, its not like your 40 or something.
Dear, you are very young with your whole life ahead of you, if ballet is what you want to do, then by all means "do it". And far as being a thick girl, so what, I'm sure you would lose plenty of weight doing ballet, and who knows, you could make the big time, at your age anything is possible. The main thing is that you love what you are doing and it makes you happy!
oh no non follow your dreams your never too old or young to do somthing
Who gives a damn! Who cares if your 17 or thick that should'nt matter, if you really want to do something i say go for it no matter age,race, shape,or size.

god that sounded really fake. o'well you get the idea
Old? Girl you might live to be 85 or 90, you are far from old. And if you don't try it, then you will spend the next 70 years or so wondering what might have been if you did.
I really dont know much about ballet BUT if it is your dream to do Ballet by all means go for it!!! Dont get discuraged if ppl tell you otherwise! Remember a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do." Go For IT!!!!!
Go for it!

You are never to old! I've done ballet all of my life, so if you need any other help, I'll be here!!!!!! Have fun and follow your dream.
i think you should go for it no dreams are done for.
do it!! a lot of people start late. even i started late. i'm 19 and i just started like 2 weeks ago. who cares if you're 5'7" and 160 lbs? the whole point of ballet is to get you in shape so you'll be ripped before you know it lol. :)
go for it, girl! you are not thick, you are perfectly fine the way you are. if you have a dream, then act on it!

good luck!
I'm 17 and weigh more than you and I'm gonna start ballet this summer and I'm SOOO excited..

Just don't worry about, if your passionate about and really want to do it, don't let anything stop you!

Good Luck!
go for it!!!

you may not be able to be a professional but you can still do it for fun :]

good luckk!!!!!!

go for it, its soooooooooooooooo wonderful

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